Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ICC 25 Changes

Patch 3.3.3 phase two

Patch day this Tuesday gave everyone that raids another 5% boost to Damage, Heals, and Health in Icecrown Citadel via the Might of Morgaine buff. Woot.

Regular content easier? Yes please.

You Hardmode hardcore gamers.... Unclench your panties. You'll still get no help beating Hardmode Marrowgar >> Hardmode Lich King. That's still 0% bonus anything. Props to you guys for being Uber L337 and shredding stuff on your own.

We panzies that need the help beating Professor putricide, the Blood Queen, and Sindragosa will take the help we can get. I'd like to personally see the endboss of WotLK and possibly defeat him. Any breaks I can get or advantages we pick up are useful. If the game becomes easymode, I'll jump into a Heroic ICC run or start an Arena Team against the 2000+ rated teams. Those guys will test your mettle.

Not a fan of 90% of the content only seen by 5% of the player base. It's bad economics and wasted time writing code hardly anyone plays. I'll still TRY to beat him with whatever pug team I can scrape together... but I don't have a permanent progression squad and would love to advance.

As it stands, My shaman is standnig to catch my DK in gearscore. Sad sad. Gotta find a permanent 10 man team somewhere. Each group only meets for 1 night and clears only 6 bosses. Blood wing + Professor + The dragons need more attempts - but logging in JUST for those bosses is bad. You miss out on the 18+ badges from the first floor.

I'll keep posting.

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