Friday, March 26, 2010

5 Man Healing

Hello and welcome to the healing / keeping people alive portion of tonight's entertainment. Normally, I have a great time being DPS and a good time being main tank. Healing is something I rarely did when people died off and I had to keep people breathing to finish off a boss.

The other day, a paladin friend got me back into healing and I've been pretty happy healing. Getting behind a solid tank, reliable DPS, smart raiders, and capable co-healers make my job as a Resto Shaman quite awesome. Here are some pet peeves.

Every day I try to hit a random group and get my two daily Frost badges. Over time, you learn that some things complicate your run and really chafe your "fun time" away from raid healing.

Tanks that don't type instructions, give notice on pulls, or stop for breaks. These guys are usually at 50k but I've seen over-zealous tanks as low as 30k. I don't know about you guys, but I can't heal a tank when he's dead. No matter how much hp you have, if I'm still 2 rooms behind - You're dead. I'm not wasting time, but I do have to stop to loot corpses or drinking for mana. Unlike dps, I don't stop healing until after the fight. If I stop to loot during the fight, I'm not keeping heals on MT or my team. I'd rather check loot after the dust is setttled. That's just benig professional. Charging ahead and chain pulling isn't cool. Thank goodness for riptide being a HoT and my Mp5 being great. I normally don't have to stop to regain mana after heals unless the incoming damage is obscene. Also, when I ask for a mana break, I want the pulls to stop. When I'm DPS, I don't chain mis-direct whole groups onto the tank. People don't like being pushed along or dragged thru. Random runs take 15-25 minutes at most. That's fine.

2) DPS that move ahead of the Tank. Hey dude. Warlocks in cloth and 22k health make poor tanks. Get your scrawny ass out of that crowd. Nobody cares about your L337 DPS skills. Flexing your E-Peen on a 5 man PuG damage meter is pointless. My only consern about DPS in a pickup group is if he's doing less than 1500 dps on a heroic.

3) People that NEED on everything they can. Really?? Really? Those mail leggings of spirit isn't going to help you do your job any better Mr. Hunter. We all know better. If you're going to get a legitimate BOOST to your Damage, Heals, or Survivability... Need the item. Nobody will question you. There WAS a debate about Needing Frozen Orbs because of their recent jump in value with patch 3.3.3 but now no one can NEED it and everyone greeds those.

Enchanters will often NEED a purple item on the last boss of a pickup group. Why? Because they are gauranteed the shard from disenchanting. If they choose disenchant, you have to compete with 4 others. Luckily, alot of Endboss items are mail, Plate, swords, and such... so no Enchanter (casters usually) can need on every epic.

Pug healing. Most times, no one dies and things go smoothly.

Advice to new Pug Healers? GET some mana regen. Today's pickup groups move at insanely fast pace. I've never been dropped by a group because of mana breaks, but I have been blown off and seen the tank chain-pull at zero mana. Frustrating when you're "obligated" to heal idiots. I could let the MT and everyone else die, but that wastes everyone's time. Caught between pinciples and practicality, I'd just get thru it and choose your Raids carefully. The pickup 5 mans are random and not worth the 30 min deserter debuff unless you really HATE your teammates.

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