Monday, March 22, 2010

Paradigm Shift

My philosophy as a Shaman is to play and have fun. It's generally my philosphy as a whole for MMO games. From Level 1-70, you can grind as Enhance shaman to destroy things without regard to consequence. It's hella fun. You don't need to group and you can regain mana / health as fast as you can spend it. As long as you don't "Overpull" and die, you cannot be stopped. Gettting and keeping 100% efficiency while grinding / levelling is the ultimate goal for character progression.

Restarted an orc this last week on the Horde side of Eonar. My wife has a 4 week head-start and got her hunter to Lv28. Now she's goading me to join her with my own toon.

Next few posts should be interesting being a Noob Shaman again with Every relic item, Four toons with Max Crafting skill, and several thousand gold at my disposal. Battered Hilt? Not quite ready for that, yet.

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