Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ICC 25 - First Half

Having the first half dozen ICC bosses on farm is now the norm for raiders. I'm at ICC 25 6/12 and ICC 10 8/12. Professor putricide, the Dragons, and the LK are the only ones left to learn and beat. I can't even say that it's skill or gear holding us up. It's time spent on task.

We had a big meeting for almost an hour on the future of guild raiding. We decided to switch raids to Tues/Wed and Thurs/Fri groups for our Main / Alt runs. This way the "A Team" had two solid days to burn on attempts.

What's holding us up? We just formally moved away from "Casual" raiding and have a solid 25 man team. We also have several 10 man groups that aren't formalized. That means they raid with each other and include out of guild buddies.

I'm pissed about that last part because I'm an established 25 man raider without a 10 man team. I'm going to have to get into a solid 10 man team. I'm getting one if it kills me. UGH! I think it's gonna.

10 man team Fairy?? Where IZ EWE ?

Ahh Well back to the raiding.

Opening trash. We have a couple of raiders with Shadow's Edge. They do uber dps. 13k dps in some cases dual wielding that in Mainhand. Rocking out the meters vs trash. Didn't have an issue. We didn't even bother with the full clear. Most of us are exalted or dammed near.

Marrowgar - Pwnt. We were lightning fast on the spike clears. Everyone stood nearby and made the job easier. Didn't see any [Boned - 25 man] achievements but that's also because most of us have it. Butter smooth. No deaths.

Lady Deathwhisper - Dealt with. She sent her minions. We cleared them super fast. Then returned to do more dps. There were a few personal slip ups, but that's because an a skeleton add appeared after we left our side. We also lost a player due to over-zealous raiders blasting them during Mind control. We know better. I'm sure it doesn't take much for a Mage to 2 shot a player or a Warlock to stack him up with dots. OOPS. Only 1 player went down.

Ramparts Weekly boss - Messy. On 25 man it's kinda hard to keep everyone alive, but we have like a dozen more people to infect with Death plague before players go boom. Those unfamiliar with the mechanic, it's not easy to learn. We were all familiar with it. My only big regret is that I was swapping a Plague with Heelar and killed him ( our guild's GM and Holy priest ). Apparently, it's a 12k hit. He can take that. Sadly, there was an AOE frost cone + shockwave + my plague touch.... so I kinda broke him. Ooopse! We got out of that one with 18/25. We rezzed the dead and turned in the weekly quest. Got 5 more Frost badgs. Still no 264 BoE Epics.

Gunship - Eeesh. We had a bugged Sarufang that wouldn't engage the Away Tank. He kept getting stacks of Enrage. Then ripped apart the dps on the Frost mage instead of going to the AT when taunted. DPS died. I was the last one left and downed the Frost mage before dying. Last two waves were seeing warlocks and mages and other classes that normally don't Rocket-pack over there. We got the kill. Enemy ship defeated. Very messy tho. First time I've ever died on 25 man Gunship.

Sarufang - Easy peasy. Way used to this fight and 25 man version was smooooth. He only got off one stack at the very end. THe boss dropped the Death Trinket and I was 2nd on the EPDP list. Next week, maybe.

Roftface + Festergut. Another flawless run. Both went down on the first try. Oour Pally Offtank for Rotface is at 50k and we all knew where to run and what to do. Slimes were easy to avoid as well as the explosions. Both bosses were free loot.

Professor Putricide. This guy is a real roadblock. I'd use another word that rhymes with Roadblock... but let's stay civil. Putricide does 19 different things. There are 7 ways to die and 3 things to worry about at all times. You either push him into phase 3 at the right time, or you die. Chaos and mayhem. Melee on Green globs. Ranged dps on Orange globs. Void the explosive bottles. Globs of green goo thrown by the Prof. Lime colored slime. Green blob explosions. Oh yea. Run back to the boss. Hey everyone is dead! Rinse and repeat.

Putricide is a painful encounter. I'd rather the blood counsul and the queen. Those I've beaten in 10 man before. The Prof is still a ball buster.

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