Thursday, March 25, 2010

10 Man Group - Another One

YET another Pug 10 man for my DK. Phayatii is our group leader. This would be team #2 for ICC 10 in guild. I've bitched plenty. I was there on time and I'm there every day on time. Great that I actually earned a spot on a squad.

MT/ Offtank are insanely geared. Offtank has 4pT10 and the MT is one of our Guild's MTs. No tank lewt dropped. The Tanks picked up offset dps gear and 3 caster weapons dropped. No drops for me, other than badges. We one-shot everything, even though one of our main healers was held up in traffic for an hour. We wound up 9 manning Marrowgar and downed Lady Deathwhisper. Gunship and Sarufang were dealt with by 10 people.

Gunship note - PUT ON YOUR DAMMED ROCKET PACK! I wasn't thinking and I got my rocket pack from the goblin on the 3rd boss fight in ICC 10. I've done it a dozen times easily. I'm exalted there. I forgot to test out the rocket pack - so it didn't equip - so I wasn't useful on the gunship battle. Not having a usable rocket pack will HURT your team's performance on the fight. The Frost mage + Cannons are a big part of the battle.

Dam close call on DPS vs the Orc gunship Race. because there was only 1 dps on the Frost mage. Nobody else picked up the slack. Yep, that's my bad. Nobody else wanted to go over and DPS the mage?? Yea. That thought was nagging me too. Probably an indictment of the team.

We had a new warlock with us. He knew the fights. We got into the upper spire and got our weekly. Rotface + Festergut. We were confident we could 1 shot them both. We didn't. Festergut got our tank on a bad swap and we got crunched losing a tank. No loss, cause it was our first attempt at either. Our second attempt got Festergut easily. Rotface was more of the same. We didnt' use heroism and someone ran a slime thru the middle to create a "Big Slime" chewing on the MT/OT. That led to a dead warlock and a Paladin DI that wiped diseases off the only person to live thru it all.

Then came the attempts on Putricide. Ohh how fun is that?? I told ya I hate this guy. We did surprisingly well on phase 1 and phase 2. Dps was on all adds and we got him to phase 3. Ohh yea that 35% limit.... If you have NO Adds during phase 3 transition => Smooth fight vs Professor on a floor of green nuclear slime. Professor putricide won't summon any more.

If you have an add up during the transition, you have to run around, slow the add without an Abom present, and kill the add, while trying to burn the boss down from 35% before the stacks fall off tanks for UBER HP regen. If you're not focused, the add explosions knock you all over the place, Putricide gets up to 60% or more in a hurry, and your raid is wiped. We were the second strat.

Three tries and people ran out of time. Our best attempt was the first one. We had all dps were on all slimes and we got him to phase 3. Once we swtiched to ALL on Green and Ranged on Orange, we died on phase 2. Much harder fight. Definite learning curve.

This group has some very good raiders. Guild GM Healer, Guild Tank, and some solid Guild DPS. This makes for a reliable 10 man. What we don't have is alot of ranged casters. No mage. No Elemental shaman. Just One Warlock and One Hunter. Pally and Disc priest healers. Pally tank. Warrior Tank. DK Dps. Feral Druid DPS.

This may make for some unusual progression.

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