Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lv 80 Battleground vs Arena PvP

Recently, my son started getting a decent set of Ret PvP gear together for his Lv80 paladin.

He's at 680 Resil and 30k Health. His 2H weapon isn't the best, but workable. He holds his own pretty well in battlegrounds and contributes nicely. Most days, I feel quite at ease with him next to me and the two of us have a decent time. Level 80 battlegrounds are the play-areas for the PvE raiding crowd. Spend an hour. Secure Wintergrasp. Win your random BG. Score some honor. Return to raiding.

Now the level 80 Gladiator bracket is more serious than most people can imagine. I had a person explain the differences in Ventrilo the other day and I have to agree.

1800 Rating - Takes work, but most players can achieve this within two seasons. If you regularly play on an Arena team, you have most of your gear and it's just learning tactics.

2000 Rating - This is the next platform of skill. The Good players have 2000 rating teams and don't make any mistakes. They play smart and bring everything they can into the matches.

2200+ Rating - These guys have insane skill. Truly bestial amounts of health, haste, crit, and resillience. Legendary weapons with 1000 ArPen, Healers at 36k health, and casters with +3600 spell damage. Some players dont' step outside of Arenas and BGs these days.

Their skills are honed to Samurai levels. Not fun people to mess with. occasionaly you'll meet them in Battlegrounds. They're the ones that are completley un-phased by your damage and plough thru crowds with a pocket healer behind them. Beware the Arena Junkies!

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