Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Darker Side

Dks have been around since WoTLK released. We’ve all made one up to see what the news was about, but I personally didn’t get excited about things until just a couple of months ago. I stopped running Ulduar /ToC instances on my Hunter and got back to the basics of leveling. I had my other characters up to level 80 and got familiar with doing raids as an Elemental Shaman. Around December of this last year, my son and I decided to start up characters together.

We all have darker sides and the DK was a fun way to play a "Bad guy" and get all the super-powers I'd ever wanted immmediately. DKs are overpwoered. I have to admit it. They rocked great damage from day 1. We both rolled Alliance DK’s and got into testing out different specs and gear setups for solo Dk’s. I got better atusing the damage meter along with message boards to tweak my damage output for yet ANOTHER class.

Over the months, my rotation got better and I got to check out all three trees thoroughly. I was initially Unholy spec till level 60. Then got into Blood spec till 68. Then I moved my character into Northrend and REALLY took off. I dual specced around 72 and started to build up a second tank set. By the time I hit 80, I had a collection of Blues and a few crafted epics. He was still PvPing with his buddies at level 74. I was moving into Raiding and he was back to a new alt to try out.

The LFG tool allowed me to get into pickup groups SUPER easily. I soon had enough Triumph badges to get my 2pT9 set very quickly. Then I could run the new instances for 232 epics and stomp thru ToC 25 for Trophies. Then I decided to grind out heroics non-stop for a week. I had my 245 Tome as well as a nice 2Hander and the Rep Ring and Frost Badge Cloak.

After a couple of ICC 25 Pugs and a couple more ICC 10 Pugs, I had enough gear to be respectable at DPS and a half-decent tank. Sadly, the guild I was involved with disintegrated with the leadership suddenly left for a 25 man guild. No sense in sticking around, I left for greener pastures. I eventually found a good group of guys running ICC 25 on DKP as an endgame raider.

Bout time I shared some of that info I’ve learned on the way here….

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