Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Late for IceCrown Citadel 25

Okay folks. RL comes up. Sometimes you work late, have to pick up your daughter from her makeup math test, then drive over to the middle school to catch your son's first Track meet. Then after the Track meet, drive your daughter to her Choir concert, get dinner for the family, come home, and sign onto WoW before your 7:00 start time for ICC 25. Raids are a bitch to make every week. When summer starts, you get pressed for time and life gets busy.

Why stay indoors when the sun is shining and the birds are singing? Oh yea to have fun. So I was late getting home. I had the option of sitting afk in dalarn for a raid spot. Sadly, with 38 guildmates online - there's little demand for another Dk Dps. So I got onto an alt and picked up some Daily quests.

Still, for a Tuesday, it's a bad start to the week.

My advice. Get in a 10 man. Save your 25 man instance run for later in the week. Big guilds run twice a week. Run wth the "B Group" for a while. Run a pug with friends you don't see. Run a 10 man team instead. Don't sit there. You were outside enjoying yourself. Don't postpone RL fun to make EVERY raid time every week. Be early next week. Go get em.

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