Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First week of BGs

Horde PvP ( Icecrown server ) lv 20-29

We won every match.

WSG 3-0
AB ( Win ) Near the top of the board below a Horde Hunter. We were trading nodes early on, but we kept 3 and pushed the advantage.

WSG 3-0 ALL Three Flag carries and a Flag return by me. I'd like to say I soloed that, but the sheer amount of support the horde players give each other is what made that win a complete landslide. Heals, Shields, blockers, Saps, Fears.... They were a great 10 man squad. I was just in the right place at the right time to swipe and score.

WSG 3-1 Standard Fare. Held a bunch of foes midfield. There's no glory in death... but if you can DOT six guys and run them around in circles for a couple minutes... thats plenty of time to get your flag runner into their base or back home.

WSG 3-1 Had a few notable twinks to face, but we kept them isolated and feared off the Flag runner. Having a priest in your BG increases your odds of winning by 25-45%. Having ANY healer in your raid helps 60%. Not saying you can't win without heals... but why skate uphill?

I was easily the top of the Damage done chart. Topped the Kill / HK list a number of times. And was generally a priority target for the alliance. WHY??

Because I'm a Warlock.

I cause pain and suffering. As much as I can. To as many other players as I can reach.

Eventually, they get tired of dying or getting feared and come after me. At 1400Hp I can't take the beating, but my job is to distract. Getting a kill... sure. Cap the flag and run like a little girl? Sure. But my main goal is to stop the opposing flag runners. Dot the chase team. And FEAR the priests before they get off a heal on their tanks. Even if the fear gets trinketted, I've done my job to interrupt that heal and help my team bring down a peksy warrior or rogue.

Long range pain...

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