Friday, November 30, 2007

Team Treehugger

My first run with our lead Karazan team ( Team treehugger ) kinda just fell together...

Honest. They run with 1 Warrior, 1 BearTank, 1 Ret Pally, 1 Holy Pally, 1 Mage, 1 Hunter, 1 UberShaman, and 2 Priests. That leaves room for 1 guest spot. Usually a DPS spot.

My wife has a 70 Rogue that she plays with as her main, but rarely makes the effort to be online for every raid. She's run with them a few times. Good folks. GREAT pace. Professional clearing and coverage.


Priest 1 gets beat on - Priest 2 AND both pallys take over healing. Nobody says a word. Battle rezzes are quickly called out. Blessings of protection are done by reflex. DPS give the MT plenty of breathing room at the start of boss battles and then PUSH as hard as possible to ride the threat limit. This squad works well together AND they're well geared.

This team has coverage. Good Coverage. Everyone watched each other's backs.

A slug could have rode along in green gear and done well.

I came in with my decently equipped Hunter and brought my "A" game. IMHO, as a hunter, your best effort includes using 2 Elixirs/Flask, mana potions, trinkets, cooldowns, stat food, specialty pet food, oils, macros, and using the good ammo. While still picking up a couple of lucky drops, I helped them beat some every boss kill on the first try. We even did well on Time Trials.

Time trials?

Once you learn a fight and put an instance on farm, you try to do the same job... only better. It's not enough to kill the Curator. It's to kill the Curator in under 4 min 30 seconds. These guys don't question wether they would down a mob. Assuming no random errors, it added a new dimension to the boss fights. We all know the fights. We took every fight with a new set of goals.

Watch your own health/mana/aggro.
Don't let anyone else die.
Kill the boss as fast as possible.
Maximize DPS and finish the instance in minimum time.

Attunemen went kinda slow. Getting used to group dynamics.

Moroes. Kinda slow. Dual ice traps backed up the 2 priests. My noobish hunter was overzealous and pet-pulled the 5 Elite mobs near the dinner room. We survived, but it hurt ... alot. MT has NEVER seen anyone pull the 5 elites outside the room and live thru it. Good job

Moroes Fight. The 3rd tank should have killed the 2nd "guest" before switching to Moroes.
In the confusion, the Orange mark was ... umm... forgotten. He ran around some. This would have wiped a lesser team. Again, a lesson in experience and teamwork over Vent. Our quick thinking pallys just kept him chain-feared. We downed the 2nd sub-boss and put the full focus on Moroes after that. He quickly died.

Maiden. Aggro pull by our UBER Ret pally. Then MT grabbed maiden and we rode her into the pit of hell. Kitty got a few mend-pet casts. Kept dps'ing for the whole fight. F-ing awesome dps on that one.

FINALLY got the Big Bad wolf made his first appearance in... ever. That's right. EVER. He's avoided me personally for 50+ Karazan runs on severals characters. Great fight. Feign Death did not fail me. I kept running and gunning. You still keep the illusion. Wolf dropped the paw ( I had Legacy and it wouldn't be a legitimate upgrade ) and the Ribbon of Sacrifice.

Curator. PWNT. The new macro worked WONDERS. Pet had Arcane Resistance 5 and Avoidance 2 so I could let kitty chase around Arcane spheres. Kitty ripped stuff apart.

THIS is my macro

/target Astral Flare
/cast Auto Shot
/cast PetAttack

We had so much focused fire, we got in a few shot on Curator while waiting for the next Falre. It was surreal how fast they were dying. The Curator died in 4 min 8 seconds. Flippin sweet. I got both the T4 gloves and the Garona Signet Ring. Nice jump in DPS. Next time, I'm going to push to beat that with new gear.

Forced Gear?

Yea. This is a new idea for raiding guilds. Even if you don't need it for your spec. We'd rather give it to someone than see it sharded.

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